Part 10 - Command Cooldowns#

Cooldowns are a useful way of making sure people don’t spam commands, and also to keep a limit on the number of requests your bot has to make.

In, just below @mod_plugin.command, add the following:

@lightbulb.add_cooldown(5, 1, lightbulb.UserBucket)

This specific command cooldown allows the command to be used once every 5 seconds per user.

You could also do:

@lightbulb.add_cooldown(10, 2, lightbulb.ChannelBucket)

if you wanted the command to only be used twice every 10 seconds per channel.

If the command is on cooldown when it is run, lightbulb will raise a CommandIsOnCooldown error. We can add this piece of code to our error handler to handle this new error:

1elif isinstance(exception, lightbulb.CommandIsOnCooldown):
2    await event.context.respond(
3        f"This command is on cooldown! You can use it again in {int(exception.retry_after)} seconds."
4    )
5    return True