Part 7 - Miru, an optional component handler#

Miru is an optional component handler for hikari, making it much simpler to add components to messages, and to handle component interactions too.

We’ll need to edit a little bit to get miru working.

At the top of the file, import miru:

import miru

And just above bot.load_extensions_from("./extensions/") add:


Now we need to edit

At the top of the file, import miru:

import miru

And now beneath our animal command, add the following:

 1class AnimalView(miru.View):
 2    def __init__(self, author: hikari.User) -> None:
 3 = author
 4        super().__init__(timeout=60)
 7        custom_id="animal_select",
 8        placeholder="Pick an animal",
 9        options=[
10            miru.SelectOption("Dog", "dog", emoji="🐶"),
11            miru.SelectOption("Cat", "cat", emoji="🐱"),
12            miru.SelectOption("Panda", "panda", emoji="🐼"),
13            miru.SelectOption("Fox", "fox", emoji="🦊"),
14            miru.SelectOption("Red Panda", "red_panda", emoji="🐼"),
15            miru.SelectOption("Koala", "koala", emoji="🐨"),
16            miru.SelectOption("Bird", "bird", emoji="🐦"),
17            miru.SelectOption("Racoon", "racoon", emoji="🦝"),
18            miru.SelectOption("Kangaroo", "kangaroo", emoji="🦘"),
19        ],
20    )
21    async def select_menu(self, select: miru.Select, ctx: miru.Context) -> None:
22        animal = select.values[0]
23        async with
24            f"{animal}"
25        ) as res:
26            if res.ok:
27                res = await res.json()
28                embed = hikari.Embed(description=res["fact"], colour=0x3B9DFF)
29                embed.set_image(res["image"])
31                animal = animal.replace("_", " ")
33                await ctx.edit_response(
34                    f"Here's a {animal} for you! :3", embed=embed, components=[]
35                )
36            else:
37                await ctx.edit_response(
38                    f"API returned a {res.status} status :c", components=[]
39                )
41    async def on_timeout(self) -> None:
42        await self.message.edit("The menu timed out :c", components=[])
44    async def view_check(self, ctx: miru.Context) -> bool:
45        return ==
49@lightbulb.command("animal2", "Get a fact + picture of a cute animal :3")
50@lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashSubCommand)
51async def animal_subcommand_2(ctx: lightbulb.Context) -> None:
52    view = AnimalView(
53    resp = await ctx.respond(
54        "Pick an animal from the dropdown :3",
55    )
56    msg = await resp.message()
58    view.start(msg)
59    await view.wait()

This new animal2 command produces the exact same result as the first animal command, but it’s much easier to read and understand at a glance, and adding buttons or other select menus would be incredibly easy.

  • Line 1 - Subclass miru.View, to create our custom AnimalView class

  • Line 4 - Initialise our view with a timeout of 60 seconds

  • Line 6-20 - Create our select menu, with the same custom ID, placeholder and options as before

  • Line 22-39 - Perform the same request as before, and respond to the interaction with an embed

  • Line 41-45 - Set our timeout function, and a view check
  • Line 48-50 - Create a second animal command, called “animal2

  • Line 52 - Create an instance of AnimalView

  • Line 53-55 - Respond to the command interaction with our message and components

  • Line 58 - Start the view

  • Line 59 - Wait for the view to finish


If you want to learn how to use buttons and more with Miru, check out the Miru guides, written by Miru’s creator: